More young people at Kofoed School!
Target group survey for Kofoed School, June 2024
The purpose of the survey is twofold: Firstly, it will help the school to learn more about the group of current younger students and the group of potential younger students. Secondly, it will shed light on the opportunities and barriers experienced by these two groups in relation to their current or potential programme at Kofoed School.
Among other things, the study will explore whether the lack of younger students is due to the need for Kofoed School to develop its programmes for younger target groups, and if so, what could make it more attractive to them?
It also examines how the younger target group of potential students can be made more aware of and use the Kofoed School.
Finally, some suggestions are made as to whether the Kofoed School's services are known in the right places among referrers and counsellors, and whether there is a need to increase awareness among job centres, EUD counsellors and other places where follow-up is needed, e.g. upon discharge from psychiatric care, prisons, etc.

June 1, 2024